Greetings and Good Tidings…

As so many have mentioned in their first sentence of their first blogs, this is the very first time, ever, in all of my years, that I have attempted to blog.  Originally I intended to revise my photography website to include newer images and information about my academic work, but then my smarty-pants husband decided to cajole me into integrating a blog to talk about my art, my take on theory and photo history, and my thoughts on current exhibitions and goings-on in Los Angeles.

So, a little about me – I hold an MFA in photography and a PhD in cultural studies and museum studies.  I received my PhD two years ago after defending my dissertation eight months pregnant with twins!  There was no way they were going to deny me in that state….  Hence, the last two years have been spent raising babies and doing very little academic or photographic work.  Finally emerging from baby-haze, I have been working on a couple of art projects (check them out under “photography portfolio”), have been pursuing more research (check out some synopses under “academic work”), and have been looking for a job (to very little effect… unfortunately!).

Stay tuned, and keep me in mind for any (and I mean any) academic, museum, or art-based work!


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